How Businesses Can Get New Customers

Rob Tolley
2 min readFeb 5, 2024


For businesses, acquiring new customers may be challenging, but it’s vital. There are many ways to go about doing this, from using direct marketing techniques to adding value to a community, gaining industry prominence and increasing visibility.

Request Referrals

Referrals can be a highly effective way of gaining new customers. To harness the power of referrals, a business could create a system to actively solicit referrals from its satisfied customers. For example, referral-generating activity may be built into the sales process, such as by sending a follow-up email to a customer after their order has been delivered to ask for a referral.

Keep a Focus on Customer Service

Successful CEOs such as Rob Tolley know the importance of ensuring consistent customer satisfaction. Customer service should be exemplary and in-store shopping experiences should be enjoyable, clean and stress-free. A comprehensive customer service plan should also be created to identify and quickly resolve potential issues, with employees trained to always make excellent customer service a priority.

Consider Hosting a Virtual Event

Virtual events can be a great way for businesses to connect with new customers. Such events allow prospective customers to learn more about a brand on a personal level and also enhance transparency. Current customers will act as a live testimonial, further enhancing the business’s reputation.

Reconnect with Dormant Customers

Getting in contact with dormant customers who haven’t patronised the business in a while can help win these people back and generate additional sales. It’s advisable for a business to go through its client contacts on a regular basis and periodically reach out to dormant customers with a special offer or discount.

Get in Touch with Local Media

Businesses can attract new customers by connecting with local media, such as radio and TV stations and local newspapers. Pitching a compelling story about the business to these outlets may result in them generating an article or offering an invitation to write an industry-relevant guest blog.

Try Partnering with Complementary Businesses

Teaming up with complementary businesses (that aren’t in direct competition but have a similar customer base) can also provide an effective means of gaining new customers. Together, a strategy can be devised to drive new customers to each business by, for example, offering discounts or vouchers to each other’s customers.

Join Community Facebook Groups

Facebook groups offer businesses the opportunity to understand and connect with their local communities. A business can use this forum to pitch its services or find users specifically looking for the services or products it offers. Education rather than selling may be the best strategy to focus on when engaging in these groups.



Rob Tolley

CEO of Global Specialty Underwriters, LLC, a corporate reinsurance provider, with over 30 years of experience in the insurance and reinsurance industry.